Friday, February 25, 2011

Acrostic Poem For Cortes

EXHIBITION "It smells LOCKER" THIS Saturday, February 26, Nantes

If you missed this important information:

The association agériens "THE QUICK BROWN FOX" invite you to their exposure to catch typographical:

"It smells the locker room "

3 rue de Bitche, 44000, NANTES, FRANCE - February 26 at 19:30

compare the incomparable, this is what best sums up these games of famous typographers full of testosterone.

The project s articulates a dozen posters of wrestling (as savate or wrestling old format 40/60cm in Italian) drawing the crowds to discover these brawls literate.
So you can imagine, with all the humor and the dream we have, fierce competition and full of violence between the artisans of the letter engaging a war without thank you to those who deliver the best handwriting.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

2 Days Late And Cervix Is Hard


Little focus on the work illustrated and autobiographical Caroline Chauveau. She has other talents and to convince you, click on his head that will take you to his blog ...

Peter Doig White Canoe Sell

After extensive consultation with professional image and communication, AGR has decided to open in September 2011 an action-learning post graduate around the web and web video.

Who is affected?
- - Students CS2 AGR
- - Former Agériens that would follow the full cycle
- - Students who have completed a full course in a school of applied arts
- - Designers / designers with 3 years experience
Prerequisite: Mastering the Adobe Suite

What are the objectives this training?
After the training, students are
- - autonomous in creating and managing a website
- - self in the design of short videos of companies, destined for the web
- - able to engage in business creation and ensure the development and sustainability

What is the interest at the professional level?
Today, recruiters are looking for communications professionals who are versatile.
In addition to being creative, master the tools of print (InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop ...), to be able to provide the photo shoot ... .. it becomes essential to be completely independent in the whole chain of the web and being able to design and produce short videos for the web.
Having varied skills in the trades of the image facilitates employability Rapid and durable.

What is the content of the training?
How revolves the year?

The training consists three modules:

"Module Business Life": Exploring the professional world, starting a business (from idea to register the statutes) management of its business: what are the ways of running a business? What steps should accomplish a young independent designer? ...

"web module": Webdesign, CMS Open Source Integration (CMS, CSS, PHP ...), Optimization and referencing.

"Video Module: Apprehension of the project, filming, editing (final cut studio), dissemination and export.

The speakers are professionals.
modules are enriched scenarios.
The training is also based on long-term internships and paid jobs which can - if any - change in employment contract.

The three training modules are discussed in mid-September to late December, Monday through Friday.
Since January, students are being trained, until the end of the year (June).
Course Location: AGR, the school's image (2 bis rue Rollin - 44100 Nantes).

What are the admission requirements and fees?

The number of students for this action training is limited to 15.

The rate for the year is 2650 euros.

Applications should be sent before June 30, 2011 (contact school).

Feel free to contact us for detailed program.

Management / 06 60 40 60 40
communication / 06 17 14 80 42

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Balloom Costumes Ottawa


L association "THE QUICK BROWN FOX" invite you to their exposure to catch typographical:

"It smells like the locker room"

compare the incomparable, it is which best sums up these games of famous typographers full of testosterone.

The project revolves around a dozen posters of wrestling (as savate or wrestling old format 40/60cm in Italian) drawing the crowds to discover these brawls literate.
So you can imagine, with all the humor and the dream we have, fierce competition and full of violence between the artisans of the letter engaging a war without thank you to those who deliver the best writing.

3 rue de Bitche, 44000, NANTES, FRANCE - February 26 at 19:30.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Brent Corrigan Produce

Lauriane Celton

A little advertising for Lauriane Celton, student of CS2 to the AGR, the school's image, with this work around poem by Prévert "Lost time"

front door of the factory
a worker suddenly stops
the weather was pulled by the jacket
and as it turns
and watch the sun
all red all round
smiling in his leaden sky
he winks
Hey fellow sun
do not you think
it's more con
give a day such
a boss?

To see more visit their website by clicking the image below

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Email Confidentiality Sample


former Agrians expose (Kazy & The postman quartet)
See you tomorrow for the opening ...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Breast Feeding Broken Veins Cheek

Anthony Galerneau

typographic experimentation by Anthony Galerneau which also questions the concept of volume in a situation urban.

Monday, February 14, 2011

How Long Does Orajel Stay Numb


A series signed Florent Cocherel. ..