For the fourth consecutive year, the Grand Prix Clémence Lefeuvre, driven Anne Luneau its President, told students of the AGR, the school's image, creating vintage clothing of 2010.
A female jury, as required by the concept Clémence Lefeuvre, and from all walks of life met Thursday in the AGR. ;
Communications Officer, illustrators, florists, Trend Hunters Design, joined winemakers, museum leaders and artists renowned painter cantonal
... All likely to demonstrate an unparalleled sharpness and the concern to give the Grand Prix du Muscadet visibility of quality and prestige, high-profile board has unanimously decided to elect the visual Violaine Clabaut.
And without detracting from the merit of Violet, who can always respond in a relevant and professional in all projects, the AGR team is proud to recall that there were many quality productions.
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