Sunday, January 20, 2008

Cost Of Building A Racquetball Court

8 - e-commerce law

Ecommerce Education> Legislation site E Commerce

Registration CNIL

Act Data Protection Act (which dates from 1978, Minitel before!) Charges you a certain number of obligations. For example you must be registered with the CNIL and indicate what information you collect, you must enable communication, rectification, updating, or deleting data from a client application, you can not ask anything your customers (race, religion, sexual preference ...).


As someone corporation, you should display your name or business name, address of head office, phone number, registration number in the commercial register of companies and the amount of capital, the VAT number, the if the name of the authority granted permission to carry out the activity and the reference to the applicable rules of professional ... but also contact your host name, company name, address and telephone number. According

cases should be added to other information, it must refer to the texts of laws.

Conditions of

display conditions of sale (GCS) is required. This is the contract that will bind you with your customer. Writing this type of contract is quite complex, it is strongly advised to call a professional to write, especially since it is strongly recommended to copy those of a competitor, this practice is punishable by law.

Opt out

In your forms checkboxes proposing sending mail advertising must be non-default.

Double click

You are imposed to display a summary of command including the order details and total price before final payment. This is called a double click.

Do not forget to send an email summarizing all the information in this order.

Contact telephone unsurcharged

Customers shall contact you at the price of a local call. A good thing is the view across.

Right of withdrawal

A customer has 7 days to withdraw and seek reimbursement upon receipt of his order. You will then have 30 days for repayment. This must be mentioned on the site.

Please note this is not valid for all products. For example personalized or perishable products can not be returned.
Deadline Delivery

You must specify a date for delivery before checkout. The easiest way is to indicate on the product page. Take care products out!
Drugs, alcohol, warranties, intellectual property ...

Like any national company, you can not escape the laws and regulations. This is not because you're on the internet that you can abstract common laws.

For example, you are required to provide documentation in French. Similarly, you can not copy all or part of a site (photos, texts, etc.). Sources and Resources

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Spam CNIL interprets the individual

At its meeting of February 17, 2005, the CNIL has interpreted the provision of LCEN on marketing by electronic mail. The debate centered around the address registered professional: Are addresses of individuals under the law ( and therefore, need to obtain consent before any exploration ) or not?

Clearly, cyber-sellers will be required to qualify heavily database because their need to associate each address registered therein the position of the person in question: Is purchasing manager, secretary, lawyer, etc.. Depending on the activity of the person, the company may or may not solicit the user without prior consent. The situation gets in case of change of position within the company. How cyber-merchant will be able to ensure the turnover within a given structure?


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position CNIL the e-mail marketing through professional

02/03/2005 - Echoes sessions

Ruling on the interpretation of the law on confidence in the digital economy, the CNIL considered at its meeting of February 17, 2005, persons physical can be explored by email to their business email address without their prior consent, if the message is sent to them under the function they perform in public or private organization that has assigned that address.


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Chatel Act
New E-commerce law

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Act Chatel also:
Chatel Act: the text of the
Law Act No. 2008-3 of 3 January 2008 Development of competition serves consumers - Articles 28-32 specific distance selling ? cidTexte JORFTEXT000017785995 = & # = dateTexte JORFSCTA000017

Download the full text of legislation


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